Les neurosciences prouvent ce que l’expérience nous démontre au sujet de l’éveil musical :  au-delà de l’initiation artistique et culturelle, la musique fait du bien aux cerveaux des tout-petits. La parole et le langage, la motricité, la concentration…les bienfaits cognitifs sont multiples et durables. De plus, la musique renforce les liens familiaux et aide à établir des liens sociaux.  

Parent-and-child Sound and Music Appreciation Classes

This program is designed for babies aged six months to preschoolers, accompanied by at least one parent.

Using songs and fun, age-appropriate activities, parents and children learn about basic musical concepts through singing, movement and playing small instruments.

¡Cantemos en español!

This program is intended for children aged two and up whose mother tongue is Spanish, accompanied by at least one parent.


Songs and other activities stimulate language use and vocabulary development, and allow children to discover the pleasure of speaking and singing in this wonderful language. ¡Rimas, canciones, cuentos y mucho más!

Contact me for lessons in your home, daycare, or community centre.